View Profile zerberuz

zerberuz's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 26 (From 10 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 355 Points

Armed Prophet

Medals Earned: 3/17 (30/480 points)

Alien Juice 10 Points

Get killed by an alien.

Robot Fuel 10 Points

Get killed by a robot.

Zombie Meat 10 Points

Get killed by a zombie.

Alcoholic 25 Points

Play through a stage consuming nothing but beer.

Anorexic 25 Points

Play through a stage without eating or drinking.

Armed Prophet 25 Points

Unlock all weapons.

Chairman 25 Points

Get the chair all the way to ZOMG.

Classic Hero 25 Points

Play through every stage.

Hand it Over 25 Points

Kill Zomboss.

Kill Smiley 25 Points

Kill Smileborg

Skull 25 Points

Get the skull all the way to Zomboss.

The Freeman 25 Points

Play through every stage in one go using the crowbar.

ZOMG!!!1 25 Points


Handy Man 50 Points

Kill Zomboss with his own arm.

Illegal Alien 50 Points

Kill ZOMG with the Alienator.

Smiley Hater 50 Points

Kill Smileborg with the Cyber Blade T47.

Testosterowned 50 Points

Play through a stage on real man difficulty.

Barca Vs Bieber

Medals Earned: 4/21 (45/780 points)

Bojan win 5 Points

win Bojan stage

Vila win 5 Points

win Vila stage

Xavi win 10 Points

win Xavi stage

Vila gold 25 Points

achieve gold medal on Vila stage

Pique win 10 Points

win Pique stage

Alves win 25 Points

win Alves stage

Bojan gold 25 Points

achieve gold medal on Bojan stage

Iniesta win 25 Points

win Iniesta stage

Puyol win 25 Points

win Puyol stage

bieber is dead 50 Points

end the game

Iniesta gold 50 Points

achieve gold medal on Iniesta stage

Messi win 50 Points

win Messi stage

Pique gold 50 Points

achieve gold medal on Pique stage

Puyol gold 50 Points

achieve gold medal on Puyol stage

Xavi gold 50 Points

achieve gold medal on Xavi stage

Alves gold 100 Points

achieve gold medal on Alves stage

Messi gold 100 Points

achieve gold medal on Messi stage

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Darnell: Wrath of God

Medals Earned: 2/3 (30/80 points)

Savior 25 Points

Beat the game

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

I am God 50 Points

Beat the game without taking damage

Madness Accelerant

Medals Earned: 2/5 (35/135 points)

Face Off 10 Points

Let out all your aggression.


Beat the game.

Pacifist 25 Points

Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself.

True Face of Evil 25 Points

Reveal the true face of evil!

Madness Mode 50 Points

Defeat Madness Mode!

Madness Regent

Medals Earned: 1/1 (25/25 points)

A Winner is You 25 Points

Defeat the boss and win the game!

Reimagine :The Game:

Medals Earned: 5/12 (90/440 points)

Finding Out Who Your REAL Friends Are 5 Points

Share this game! Your REAL friends will weep for you.

Death By Slow Internet 10 Points

Get 1000 points on the Preloader game. YOU MONSTER

Baby I Was Born To Survive 25 Points

Pass Lady Gaga The Game without dying.


Complete Inception The Game in under 30 seconds.

So Vivid And Intense 25 Points

Pass Rainbows The Game without dying.

Not That Dying On Lost MEANS Dying On Lost 25 Points

Pass LOST THE GAME (haha) without dying.

Too Soon, Finish Late 25 Points

Survive Earthquakes The Game for 30 seconds.

Unzipping in the No-Fly Zone 25 Points

Finish one third of the levels.

Viewer Number 301 25 Points

Complete Youtube The Game in under 15 seconds.

Charged With Battery 50 Points

Finish two thirds of the levels.


Unlock EVERYTHING. Now, you can play the game as your OWN character. SUCCESS.

The End The Game 100 Points

Finish all the levels... Oh, but that's JUST the levels!

The Best Game Ever Made

Medals Earned: 1/12 (5/295 points)

Good Decision 5 Points

Decide to play the game.

Disco Inferno 10 Points

Visit the disco zone three times because you love to dance.

Impatient 10 Points

Try to bribe Big Frank too early.

Table Groper 10 Points

Try to grab all the tables.

Carpet Thief 25 Points

Collect a piece of fine carpet when your boss isn't looking.

Chatterbox 25 Points

Talk to every potential inventory item before collecting it.

Oblivious 25 Points

Give your presentation while Gilda is topless.

Dead 50 Points

Figure out the only way to die in the game.

Workaholic 50 Points

Finish the game in under 2 minutes.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Thing-Thing Arena 3

Medals Earned: 1/26 (5/500 points)

Can't wait for it 5 Points

Kill an enemy by shooting them with a grenade dart, and then with a spiked grenade

Execution 5 Points

Perform an execution

Abundance of ammunition 10 Points

50 Kills with a Single Glock 18

Beligerantly understated 10 Points

50 Kills with a Single Beretta

Buckshot Firestorm 10 Points

100 Kills with the PANCOR Jackhammer

Fire and shrapnel; this is my love 10 Points

100 Kills with the Spike Grenade Launcher


100 Kills with the Laser Cannon

Shove it up their nose and pull the trigger! 10 Points

50 Kills with a Single Lever Shotgun

Tag! You're dead! 10 Points

100 Kills with the Grenade Dart Launcher

Variety Kill 10 Points

Kill an enemy by shooting them with at least 4 different weapons

You can shoot them too 10 Points

Kill an enemy by only throwing weapons at them

Bullet hose wrangler 25 Points

100 Kills with dual Glock 18's

Chicago memoir 25 Points

100 Kills with the Thompson

Collateral Damage 25 Points

100 Kills with the Rebound Shotgun

Corrosive Personality 25 Points

100 Kills with the Acid Grenade Launcher

Crainial Eviscerator 25 Points

150 Headshots in one match

Deciple of Woo 25 Points

100 Kills with dual Berettas

Do ya feel lucky? 25 Points

100 Kills with the magnum

Hasta La Vista 25 Points

100 Kills with dual Lever Shotguns

Lead Pipe Ninja 25 Points

100 Kills with the Lead Pipe

Misanthropist 25 Points

150 Kills in a match

Never bring a pistol to a rifle fight 25 Points

100 Kills with the Tavor

Piercing Glare 25 Points

100 Kills with the Arrow Gun

Shotgun Sniper 25 Points

100 Kills with the M1187

Tried em all 25 Points

Get a kill with every weapon during a single match

Divine Powers 50 Points

100 Kills with Artifact 19

Warriors of the Portal

Medals Earned: 5/10 (75/150 points)

Change of Perspective 10 Points

Evade "A" freezing death

Erotic Bonus 10 Points

Find the erotic scene in the Character Info Menu

Screw you Asimov 25 Points

Mindchamber survives the battle

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Hail to the King 5 Points

Support Pico Day

C-C-Combo Breaker 10 Points

"Parry" the attack to save the Alien

RT I like it 25 Points

Gigantor survives the battle

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Zombie Kids. Easter

Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/250 points)

First Blood 5 Points

First Blood

Zombie-bull is killed 10 Points

Zombie-bull is killed

Zombie-cockroach is killed 25 Points

Zombie-cockroach is killed

Big Daddy zombie is killed 50 Points

Big Daddy zombie is killed

Die Hard 50 Points

Die Hard

Victory 100 Points


Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!